Honesty, Clarity and a Unique Perspective
Getting the right speaker – someone who is accurate and informative who can relate to an audience and ensure you’ll never forget what you hear – is a challenging task. It can determine the success or failure of an event. Therapists speak from a unique perspective; that perspective allows me to speak from below the surface, and it creates new conversations. Finding the right fit takes hours of research, so my hope as your speaker is that the information on this page will help you make the decision that is right for you, your event and your audience.
Why should you choose a speaker from a therapeutic paradigm focusing on clarity?
- It combines my business and therapeutic backgrounds which brings a unique perspective
- Everyone is always looking for more clarity
- Promotes good relationship with self and one’s experience
- Clarity brings different perspectives for different persons
- Ability to dig deeper into a topic and make it more relatable, more personable and ultimately more meaningful
- To talk about a topic in a way that matters and is therefore more memorable
- It compels people to look beneath the surface and see things in new ways, with your eyes and hearts wide open

Jacqueline’s Most Requested Topics
As a Registered Professional Counsellor for more than a decade, I’ve come across many different topics and issues with a variety of professions and relationships. Here are the most common topics I’ve helped people with:
- Essentials Elements of a Rewarding, Successful and Healthy Counselling/Business Practice
- Addictions – How it affects the ones who love them
- Living the life you have always wanted – values, priorities, goals and a personal mission statement
- Bloom where you are planted
- Support for those who love someone with an Addiction
- Leading from the Heart– the qualities of an effective leader
- Crazy busy –There is no more room in my calendar! – Strategies for Handling the Demands in your Life
- The Friendships of Women – beyond shoes and chocolates
These can be presented as a keynote or a workshop, or if needed, as a half-day or full-day seminar versions.
Where Jacqueline Speaks (not limited to)
- Private Practices
- Counselling Agencies
- Not for Profit Agencies
- Micro-Small Businesses
- Churches or Church Groups
- Professional Women’s Groups
“The world is shaped by two things — stories told and the memories they leave behind.”
― Vera Nazarian, Dreams of the Compass Rose
Check my availability for your event or inquire with your questions